The network includes about 2,000 streets (all highways, state and provincial addition to completing municipal), for about 13,000 km.
LIMITS displays the streets of different backgrounds Google Map (roads, hybrid roads, satellite, terrain) and without background; the roads to provincial and municipal area, for administrative classification, by name and street number; the limits of flow maps, contouring and transportation of prefabricated; custom maps for each type of crossings through; the perimeter of the inhabited localities; the street or road name information, administrative and step-on for 15 types of special cargo (33t, 40t, 56t, 75t, 100t, 6m, 7m, poles, railway wagons, farm, coils, 72t machines, prefabricated 25m x 75t, 25m x 35m x 108T and 108T) on each road segment (about 66,000); allows the geolocation functions and on the selected zoom.
LIMITS also displays some 2,700 specific limits (in part with their photos) divided by 6 types of artifact (bridge, underpass, tunnel, railway crossing, airline and railway bottleneck) and name of the crossing (highway, railway, river, stream, ...); the identifying information, the height, width and load of each pointwise limit; the precise limits for provincial and municipal area, for administrative classification, by name and street number.
Great care has been taken to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information and its update. This does not absolve the consumer from making the necessary checks for uses other than those approved by regional acts. In fact, we do not assume responsibility regarding the lack or inaccuracy of information whose ownership is not the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Information about the practicability for vehicles and special transports are subject to restrictions and prohibitions issued by the Administration competent and do not absolve the consumer from making the necessary checks before transit. In fact, we do not assume responsibilities related to changes in accessibility, or anything else, or for damages or misunderstandings, delays as a result of the information.
The app is linked and bootable ONLY via the app "Traffic E-R".
The app "Traffic E-R" and available for free on the Play Store.