Life Time Portalアプリ APP
In addition, union officers have the ability to consult and vote on the board of directors' agenda on the app, and simple topics can be discussed with union officers at any time. You can also adjust the schedule and confirm attendance for regular board meetings.
■Terms of use
○The use of this function has been approved in the condominiums managed by our company.
○You are a member of an association of condominiums managed by our company.
○Registration to use the Condominium Convenience Menu on Life Time Protal (WEB) has been completed.
(Please log in with your Life Time Protal ID/PASS)
*If you would like to use the app, please contact our condominium sales representative.
The recommended environment is as follows.
・Android 9 or higher
Questionnaire response and result confirmation
○Zoom meeting
Attending board meetings etc. held via Zoom meetings
(Separate installation of ZOOM Cloud Meetings app is required)
○Web board resolution
Voting resolutions on the agenda, consultation function with executives (chat)
Check past agendas, resolution results, and minutes
Schedule adjustment and attendance confirmation for regular board meetings
*The web board resolution function is only for union officers.
■Contact us
Life Time Portal Customer Desk TEL: 0120-456-109 (toll-free) * Business hours: Weekdays 9:30-17:30 Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, national holidays, 5/1, 12/30-1/ 3