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App APKs


What is Bidding?

It is a set of administrative procedures for purchases or services by federal, state and local, where there
competition among stakeholders for the government to get the best services / products at the lowest cost.
The process is done for equality. Vence who offers the best price for the quantity and quality of
product / service.

The tender is divided into several stages; among them, the NOTICE NOTICE, where the public body disclose in advance its
interest in buying the company.

This application, which was developed for entrepreneurs to have access to this stage, you can:

- See bids that will occur;
- View the bids that have already occurred;
- Insert the data of your company to receive bids notices pertaining to the branch of your company;
- Receive notice via notification, 1 day in advance of the completion of bid selected as "favorite";
- View the documents necessary for registration of suppliers;
- Download documents list;
- Read primer on bids.


You can not perform registration changes for this APP. If this is necessary, contact the Section of Technical Support for Bids / SALIC

Rua Dom Pedro II, 25 - 4th floor center - Santos / SP - CEP: 11010-151
Tel (0XX13) 3201-5000 extension:. 5376, from 08:00 to 11:30 and 14:00 to 16:00, or by e-mail:
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