Leste Telecom APP
- Check your tickets
- View and copy the bar code
- Receive notices of maintenance and occurrences
- View all East East contact and social networks
- Check the address of our offices in your region
- And consult other information regarding your plan and personal data registered
We are looking for the best to serve you, help us create the best customer service experience!
This APP is in the initial testing phase (ALFA) and may have faults, errors or malfunctions.
We ask everyone's understanding of these application offer limitations / conditions.
Your access to and use of the services or any software offered (APP) is at your own risk. You understand and agree that the functions of this software (APP) are being provided in the condition "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE", with no warranty from the company.
The company Leste Telecom makes no warranty and assumes no responsibility in this testing phase for: (1) the integrity, accuracy, availability, timeliness, security or reliability of the services or any content presented in the software; (2) any damage to your device or system, loss of data or other damages resulting from your access to or use of the services or any content of this software; (3) the exclusion or failure to store or transmit any content or other communications maintained by the services of this software; and (4) whether the services will meet your needs or will be available in an uninterrupted, secure or error-free manner.