LegiStorm APP
* Search and browse members and staff by delegation, office, committees and caucuses
* View comprehensive, verified member and staff biographical and contact information
Member profiles include:
* DC and district office staff
* List of staffers covering legislative issues
* Committee and caucus membership
* District map
* Social media and campaign links
Staffer profiles include:
* Verified email addresses
* Social media links
* Education histories
* Photos
What is LegiStorm Pro?
LegiStorm Pro is a platform for government affairs professionals who need to accurately identify congressional staff, monitor activity on Capitol Hill, and engage with members and staff.
The core of LegiStorm Pro is the industry’s most accurate, timely and comprehensive database of contact and biographical data on congressional staff. We track legislative issues covered, roles and titles, education and work histories, disclosures, social media links, and other contextual information. This ensures that our clients accurately identify the correct staff across member offices, committees and caucuses.
Want to Learn More?
We believe that using our product is the best method for evaluating its capabilities and value. We offer free 10-day trial subscriptions to organizations that are considering annual subscriptions. We offer demos and free trial subscriptions to qualified users.
Our Company
LegiStorm LLC is a non-partisan, for-profit company that researches, verifies and publishes information about members of Congress and congressional staff.
Since 2006, we have rapidly grown from being the only provider of congressional salary data to offering a fully integrated Web-based platform for government affairs professionals who need to accurately identify congressional staff, monitor activity on Capitol Hill, and engage with members and staff.