Legging Brasil APP
favorites for your routine, with promotions and discount coupons
exclusives on the APP every day!
Legging Brasil offers a fast and secure online shopping experience,
for you to buy products with factory direct prices � �
You can track your purchases directly through the app.
Download the Legging Brasil app now and enjoy all the benefits!
✅ Totally exclusive discounts and lightning offers in the app from
Legging Brasil: These are the best prices in Brazil!
✅ Easy payment with Boleto, Pix and Credit Cards: Parcel the
your purchases in up to 10 interest-free installments!
✅ Be the first to know everything through our notifications.
✅ Stay on top of all the news and releases from the store you
more loves.
✅ Save your favorite products to your favorites list to buy
when you want.
✅ Follow the entire journey of your order through the app.
✅ Purchase in less than a minute with just a few touches of the screen.
✅ News and releases of new parts every day.
Also find Legging Brasil at:
+ Website: https://www.leggingbrasil.com/
+ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leggingbrasiloficial/
+ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leggingbrasiloficial/