Club Avenue by Lee Gardens is a premier local shoppers club

Latest Version

Nov 3, 2021
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Lee Gardens APP

Welcome to Lee Gardens App, unravelling an exceptional shopping journey ahead! Whether you are a hy! member or a Club Avenue by Lee Gardens member, all you need is Lee Gardens App to earn Lee Gardens Points and unlock a world of personalized experiences as well as in-app exclusive offers. Experience a seamless membership journey with our innovative and integrated design. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey like no other! 新升級Lee Gardens 應用程式,打開無窮精彩的購物旅程。無論你是hy!會員或是Club Avenue by Lee Gardens 會員,只需一個Lee Gardens 應用程式,即可隨時隨地靈活賺取Lee Gardens 積分,盡享個人化體驗以及App內獨家優惠。創新設計,打造無縫會員體驗,準備好踏上與眾不同的購物消閒和享樂體驗之旅!

Curated Privileges 非凡禮遇
Register as a hy! member and complete profile information can earn the welcome offer 1000 Lee Gardens Points. What’s more, there are birthday gifts offering 2x points, year-round shopping offers, Lee Gardens Area exclusive workshops and experiences, table reservation powered by OpenRice , and etc. 下載全新Lee Gardens 應用程式並完成個人資料登記即獲迎新獎賞1000 Lee Gardens積分。更有豐富禮遇,包括生日雙倍積分、全年及限時商戶優惠、利園區獨家活動體驗及OpenRice《開飯喇》餐廳訂座服務等。

Rewarding hydollar! 易使易儲hydollar!
hy! members and Club Avenue by Lee Gardens members can earn points from every transaction and convert Lee Gardens Points into hydollar! with over 200 merchants! Use hydollar! practically everywhere, for in-store payments, parking settlement, in-app events reward redemption. hy! 會員及 Club Avenue by Lee Gardens會員可在超過 200 間商戶中盡情食、買、玩,並將Lee Gardens積分兌換成 hydollar!當現金消費,易使易儲! 用hydollar! 支付商戶賬單、結算泊車時數、兌換App內活動及獎賞!

Earn Point & Reward Transfer 輕鬆賺分 · 友贈獎賞
Experience the convenience of the Lee Gardens App with its 2-Step Points registration. Spend $1= 1 Lee Gardens Point, simply by snapping and earning during your shopping journey. Unlock fabulous rewards and coupons with hydollar!. Enjoy complimentary parking hours and piggy stamps for kid rewards. The Lee Gardens App embraces the power of giving and gifting, allowing you to transfer rewards flexibly to send gifts to friends and family. With just a tap, enter your friend's phone number and voila! Your blessings are just a tap away, ready to be sent to your loved ones. 隨時隨地一拍即賺分! 於Lee Gardens App 內拍攝並上傳商場電子消費單據,每消費$1=1 Lee Gardens Point,同時可透過Lee Gardens App掌握單據登記狀況。Lee Gardens積分還可解鎖非凡獎賞及商戶優惠券、兌換泊車時數或兒童獎賞的電子小豬印章。特別推出全新「友贈獎賞」功能,將獎賞送給親朋好友,輕鬆又簡單。只要在Lee Gardens App 內輸入朋友的電話號碼,一按將驚喜發送給身邊的人!

Easy Parking 智能泊車體驗
Imagine the convenience of paying for your parking effortlessly using Lee Gardens Points, earned rewards, e-coupons, and e-payment. Download Lee Gardens app to enjoy three enhanced features that elevate your parking experience: redeem parking coupons, diverse parking settlement options, and effortless payment for parking. Lee Gardens App提供圓滿的泊車體驗。用Lee Gardens 積分、獎賞、電子優惠券和電子支付即可輕鬆繳費。三大升級功能,包括簡便兌換泊車優惠、多元化泊車結算、輕鬆繳付泊車費等,更快更輕鬆地提升泊車體驗。
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