LED Scrolling Text Display APP
You can use it as a LED scroller, ticker, banner or message board in concerts, parties, gatherings, celebrations, demonstrations, station/airport pickup or in situations where visual display is the preferred way of delivering your message.
- up to 3 lines of dot matrix text of arbitrary length
- matrix row count adjust
- selectable bitmap font & size of 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / max.
- dot shape select: circle / square
- dot size, glow spread, brightness adjust
- full range led color select
- wobbling for long text display
- blinking with rate adjust
- scrolling left / right / up / down with speed adjust
- save text and settings for recall
- save & share LED image
- (Android 5+ only) save & share LED animation video
- listing of all saved text items
- per item operations:
(press '...' icon or long press on the desired item)
play animation / show only / edit /
save image / save video / share image / share video /
- can be used as LED scroller, banner, blinker,
sign board, screen, panel, glow text generator
with adjustable light effect
Consent form will be presented to users in EEA (European Economic Area) at the first launch to choose between personalized or non-personalized ads service, which is revisable in the option menu.