Learn - Go-Lang APP
► This App is designed for software programmers with a need to understand the Go programming language from scratch. This App will give you enough understanding on Go programming language from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.✦
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ Overview
⇢ Environment Setup
⇢ Program Structure
⇢ Basic Syntax
⇢ Data Types
⇢ Variables
⇢ Constants
⇢ Operators
⇢ Arithmetic Operators
⇢ Relational Operators
⇢ Logical Operators
⇢ Bitwise Operators
⇢ Assignment Operators
⇢ Miscellaneous Operators
⇢ Operator Precedence
⇢ Decision Making
⇢ if statement
⇢ if...else statement
⇢ nested if statements
⇢ switch statement
⇢ select statement
⇢ Loops
⇢ for loop
⇢ nested for loops
⇢ break statement
⇢ continue statement
⇢ goto statement
⇢ Functions
⇢ Call by value
⇢ Call by reference
⇢ functions as values
⇢ function closure
⇢ method
⇢ Scope Rules
⇢ String
⇢ Arrays
⇢ Multi-dimensional arrays
⇢ Passing arrays to functions
⇢ Pointers
⇢ Array of pointers
⇢ Pointer to pointer
⇢ Passing pointers to functions
⇢ Structures
⇢ Slices
⇢ Range
⇢ Maps
⇢ Recursion
⇢ Type Casting
⇢ Interfaces
⇢ Error Handling