Learn Android (XML, Java, Kotl APP
Learn to make Android apps, Test Yourself from the Quiz section of the app!
Learn complete Kotlin from the easy to understand offline tutorials.
Android is really fun-to-learn!
Now contains Java to Kotlin code converter so existing Java developers can learn Kotlin by seeing the syntax changes the Kotlin has!
Get going with this under-the-constant-development application to learn android, all the suggestions to make this app better are always welcome. You will get everything you need to get started with developing Android apps. The aim is to package every best thing from all the available apps into one and make this the best platform to learn Android.
This application contains the basic and advanced components such as,
A. Layouts
1. LinearLayout
2. GridLayout
3. StaggeredGridLayout
4. FrameLayout
5. TableLayout
6. (Extra) TabLayout
B. Widgets
1. Buttons
2. EditTexts
3. Seekbar
4. TextView
5. Checkbox
6. Spinner
C. Views
1. CardView
2. ListView
3. RecyclerView
4. ScrollView
5. SearchView
6. WebView
D. Libraries
1. Glide
2. Material Navigation Drawer by mikepenz
Wait till you see the Kotlin stuff (and the Android documentation)!
The very basic and first-must-know part of Android development is getting to know the UI components. This app does the same thing by making you acquainted with the structural components of Android from the Get Acquainted section of the app, which makes easy for beginners to understand and identify the building blocks of Android.
Further, to guide you more, there's the official offline documentation, for learning both, Android (https://developer.android.com!) and Kotlin (https:/kotlinlang.org).
You can turn on the internet for additional styling in the documentation if you want.
Implementation of different libraries will be added, and even the newly added Android components will be added in the future updates.
You can push yourself by taking a quick quiz, wherein the answers to the questions will be displayed with an explanation for the same.
Learning Android was never so much easier! All you need to do is download the app and get going.
You will also get a daily dose of a quick tip whenever you visit the Tip of the day section!
The "Learn Kotlin" section is filled with the complete documentation and easy to use search box for the content you're looking for. For those who do not know what Kotlin is, it is the latest programming language developed by JetBrains, which is interoperable with Java and is really simple to learn. Again, learning Kotlin and specifically learning Android was never so much fun!
The contact us section of the app is where you can contact me for requesting any features or for reporting any problem or bug you're facing in the app.
Any requests for contribution in the app are always welcome