Le Porte Franche Centro Com.le APP
You can check the opening hours, consult the list and contact details of the shops and management, find out about the events that will take place and the news that will be presented.
You will also find many promotions and services reserved for you
Activate notifications so you don't miss any opportunities, always be informed and enjoy a new shopping experience!
Use the Wishlist to write down the name or take a photo of your favorite products and services that you want to remember for a future purchase.
You will be able to enter the loyalty program, participate in competitions and promotional activities, when active. After making purchases or visiting the shopping centre, through the App you can accumulate points and games to use immediately to win many prizes, vouchers and gadgets.
Also invite your friends to participate, you will both get many more points.
Check your points balance, your plays, your prizes and how to collect them on the App.
With the App you can:
- accumulate points and play by uploading photos of your purchase receipts;
- accumulate points by checking in when you are at the mall;
- use the accumulated points to win prizes;
- use the accumulated bets to win prizes;
- collect the prizes.