Le Jeu du Bac, comme avant GAME
French people love to play this game in their childhood. Confront Bacbot to test your knowledge.
1. Choose the level of your game.
2. Choose your letter, or one letter by category depending on the level.
3. You can define more options (add a timer or choose the categories of your game).
4. For each category, find a word beginning with the chosen letter.
5. Try to finish the game before the end of the countdown.
6. The points are assigned automatically as followed:
- 2 points: Your word is right,
- 1 point: Your word is the same as BacBot's word,
- 0 point: Your word is incorrect or you didn't have the time to find one.
7. Verify the points (readjust if needed) and discover your score and who wins.
You understand that you have to link reflexion, speed, strategy and knowledge in order to win against Bacbot.
Have a good game!