Laws On Demand APP
• Legal terms and concepts
• US law and the Constitution
• Important legal cases
• Movements
• Precedents
• Individuals significant to the history of law
+ much more…
• Easy tab navigation interface, suitable for all kind of users.
• Search 20,000+ legal terms, including extensive info on US law and the Constitution.
• Check info tag for general information related to constitutions, bills, and personal rights.
• Know your rights! Practical law guide includes extensive information on US law and the Constitution.
• User-friendly, comprehensive, and authoritative: The perfect free legal app for lawyers, legal professionals, law school students, and anyone looking to decipher legal jargon and better understand legal advice.
How do we do it?
We work with the best publishers to bring together trusted content in the most comprehensive, authoritative dictionary apps on the market.
LOD DISCLAIMER: Law On Demand ©TM is not a law firm and neither Law Agency©TM nor any of its employees provide legal services or legal advice. If legal advice is required, we recommend that you seek the services of an attorney. LOD (Laws On Demand) ©TM, an on-line, for-profit, non-governmental informative site has begun operations as it begins its search for both Laws and Law enforcement in the US.