Latest Modern Home Designs APP
Tips on designing a modern home:
Adjust the area of land with the number of family members, taking into account how many rooms will be made. Consider the size if you want to make a front, back and pool garden.
Determine the model of the house with 1 floor or 2 floors, the difference in the number of floors will affect the design of the house. Choose a roof that fits the house model, in the form of one or two floors. Most flat roof models are used for modern home models and luxury homes. It doesn't matter if you use or house in general. It's just that flat roofs tend to be more elegant.
Design is a matter of taste, choose a design as good as possible in accordance with the budget. Almost all modern house models have an elegant style. Choose the color with the best combination, specify the type of color depending on the theme you want to carry.
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