Larix Player APP
This player support the following protocols playback:
* SRT in Pull (Caller), Listen and Rendezvous modes
* SRT library version 1.5.0
* Icecast HTTP
* HLS and MPEG-DASH playback via ExoPlayer
* Registers as system handler for sldp://, rtmp:// and srt:// links in browsers.
* New: Videowall, available for just $9.99 per month.
The following capabilities are supported for SLDP:
* SLDP playback with ABR and sub-second delay
* H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, VP8 and VP9 video codecs
* AAC and MP3 audio codecs
* Opus audio for SLDP and SRT
* AC3 and E-AC3 over SRT (support depends on device model and codecs hardware support)
* Secure delivery
* Player can be mapped to open sldp:// links in browsers
* Widevine and Playready DRM support for MPEG-DASH with H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC via ExoPlayer. Try Nimble Streamer media server for a reference implementation.
* You may keep playback history as a list of played URLs.
* Screenshots support
To enable screenshots, go to connections list, and long-tap on your connection and then select "Play (enable FX)". Once asked for more permissions - just enable them too. When you start playback, you can double-tap on the screen to get a screenshot.
Read this manual for all details about Player functionality:
Read this manual regarding synchronized playback functionality:
For more information visit:
This software uses ExoPlayer by Google Inc. licensed under Apache License 2.0 for HLS and MPEG-DASH playback.