La Jolla Pres APP
Here you can find out about our church, what's happening this week, hear the see the weekly sermons, and much more.
For more information about La Jolla Pres, please visit: or call us at 858-454-0713
We are a church that is seeking to live out our faith in our community and world. We want to make it simple to get to LJPC and enjoyable when you arrive. Our campus is located in the heart of La Jolla at the corner of Kline St. and Draper Ave., an easy drive from most of San Diego.
If you were to ask people why they are a part of La Jolla Presbyterian Church, they would probably mention several aspects of our family life:
Inspiring and faithful worship
Encouraging music from our traditional choir at 8:45 and 11:00; or our contemporary band at 10:00
Sermons for people who like to ask questions and are skeptical of easy answers
Authentic friendships
Relevant biblical teaching
Compassionate care for people in need
Transformed lives
Whether you plug in through this app, or come see us in person, we hope you are blessed by the experience, and draw closer to God.
The La Jolla Pres App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.