L'ABC HD – Italian Alphabet APP
This program presents the character of each letter, develops the ability to recognize letters, teaches to understand the relationship between the letter and word, as well as trains memorizing skills, promotes retention and develops comprehension.
Flash cards features:
- All presented illustrations are original works and created especially for this alphabet
- Capital letters and lower case letters are presented
- Letters are supplemented with illustrations
- Presented audio sound of each letter and pronunciation of appropriate word
- Presented audio sound for word combination and verse suitable to letter and matching illustration
- Animated illustrations
Have fun learning the Italian Alphabet!
Application developed in cooperation with E Forma and L’ITALII. Voice by Roberta Russo.
Full version is available as an In-app purchase (€ 0.99 + VAT if applicable).
*** In-app purchase may not work in some devices.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at euso@euso.lv