Löschmeister APP
A topic where there is often room for improvement is a well-structured and understandable scheduling for exercises and disengagements.
The app “Löschmeister” supports fire brigades with exactly this challenge.
In many clubs it is common for appointments to be communicated via a wide variety of channels: SMS, e-mail, WattsApp are often found here. This variety of communication channels often makes it difficult for everyone involved to maintain an overview.
Loeschmeister wants to remedy this in a simple and direct way - it offers members a clearly structured overview of appointments with the direct option of accepting or declining with just one click.
This presence information is immediately visible to the manager, who can monitor the visitor status for the appointments he or she has created at any time.
In this way, the leader knows at all times which appointment will be well attended and can adjust the planning accordingly.
For a more detailed structuring, the members can be divided into units and dates for units can be easily set.
There is also the option of importing the Löschmeister appointments into a private calendar
and therefore also available outside of the app at any time.