The mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment for and Capacity Development

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Jun 4, 2021
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The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a leading,district level Farm Science and information Center, established in 1992 with financial assistance of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi at Borkhera, District Kota for speedy transfer of technology to the farmers’ fields. The operational area of this Krishi Vigyan Kendra comes under Agro-climatic Zone V in the south eastern part of Rajasthan. The aim of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to reduce the time lag between Generation of technology at the research institutions and its transfer to the farmer's field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustainable basis. In order to achieve this goal, four mandates have been envisaged in the design of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra.The commendable efforts made by the KVK in application of agriculture technologies at farmers’ fields recognised as (i) KVK, Kota got “A” grade category under the ranking of KVKs in the country by the NILERD, NITI Aayog, Govt. of India (ii) Awarded with Pandit DeenDayal Upadhyay Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan ProtshahanPurashkar 2016-17 (zone-II) (iii) Received Cashless KVK award 2016-17 and (iv) Obtained appreciation certificates from ICAR, Agriculture university Kota, member of parliament (Kota-Bundi), District Collector, etc. Besides, more than a dozen of awards/appreciation certificates have also been received by the KVK scientists from different organizations. As a light house of agricultural technology in the district, the KVK, Kota is executing 09 unique projects costing ₹1525.05 lakhs under ICAR and RKVY for the service of the farming community, out of which ₹ 443.75 lakh has been used for infrastructural development . The name of the running projects are as (i) Dairy farming and management (ii) Food processing & value addition (iii) National innovations in climate resilient agriculture (NICRA) (iv) Pulse seed hub (v) Strengthening of infrastructural facilities at KVK (vi) Agriculture technology & management quality improvement centre (ATMQIC) (vii) Standardization of agro-techniques and quality assessment of drumstick (viii) Goat farming and (ix) Oilseed seed hub. KVK has developed 18 model demonstration units of which important ones are dairy, food processing & value addition, quality seed production, vermi-compost, nursery, mother orchard, crop technology park, bio- pesticide, beekeeping, plant health clinic, mushroom production, mineral mixture and azolla for imparting skill-oriented trainings to rural youth for development of their entrepreneurship. These units provide an exemplary learning experiences to the visiting farmers and also help in horizontal expansion of these technologies among the farming community in the district.
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