Kuvut - Descubre productos APP
Participating is easy, join the projects you find when you are selected APP and get real products and / or sampling samples for you or to share and recommend by word of mouth. You can also assert your opinion and listen brands get you through surveys.
Join the community's most influential participatory marketing in Spain.
Test, review and influence, all this is at your fingertips, easy and fun way through the new APP Kuvut.
What we offer:
Product Test:
Fast, simple and fun. Pick up the sampling you can try for free or for a nominal fee recent food products, beauty, home ... you sign up, pick it up, you try and offer your opinion. And just a few clicks !.
Word of mouth campaigns:
Test products and spread the word! By participating you learn the features and benefits of a new product and if you are selected, you will receive products for you to share and recommend your friends. Are you influential? You're WOM!
Get a refund of your money to make a purchase This is Cashback! With the cashback you can save on your purchases and even get products for free. Participating is very simple, just sign up to the campaign and takes a photograph of receipt. Once validated the ticket and purchase the product, we will refund the amount of product (total or partial) to your current account.
Surveys and opinion polls:
You have much to say or comment? Brands want to hear !.
With market studies Kuvut your opinion eventually will influence brands and in turn earn points to redeem for gifts or donations to NGOs.
As a member of Kuvut, have the chance to meet and interact with great brands and test innovative electronic products, beauty, beverage, food, home, ... and much more!