kulTura APP
Learn about cultural heritage of Črnomelj and Jastrebarsko in a new and fun way!
Explore Črnomelj and Jastrebarsko
Choose between different narratives that will make your visit unique and unforgettable.
Discover local cultural heritage
The map will help you discover the most fascinating points of interest the town has to offer!
Eternalise your adventures
Take photos of your adventures during your trip! You can find these photos at any time in the Gallery.
Learn more about what your destination has to offer
Access information about heritage, restaurants, accommodation, bars and other nearby places. All in one location.
Solve challenges and puzzles
Upon reaching the point of interest you will be able to solve location-specific challenges and mini games! When in range, you’ll be able to trigger the challenge by clicking on its corresponding marker on the map.
Collect achievements and points and get rewarded
Visiting points of interest and solving challenges will bring you points that can be redeemed as gifts and discounts with local vendors.
kulTura is designed as a development model that can also be used in the case of other small historical border towns, and thus cross-border cooperation is ensured.