KPSS Lisans Puan Hesaplama APP
It is an exam that is required to be entered in the recruitment of personnel for some public institutions. Its long name is Public Personnel Selection Examination.
What is KPSS score?
It is the score a person gets from the Public Personnel Selection Exam. Different types of results are used in personnel assignments to different public institutions.
How are nets calculated in tests?
In KPSS, your scores are calculated by using the nets you have made from each test section. The net number you have done in each test section is calculated by subtracting one-fourth of the number of questions you answered incorrectly from the number of questions you answered correctly.
How is the KPSS score calculated?
It is calculated using special formulas and statistical data from previous years' exams.
Why are some types of points not calculated when I calculate?
Candidates who have not answered a question in any of the tests included in the calculation of the relevant type will not be calculated in this type. Knowing this situation, it will be appropriate for the candidates to give at least one correct or incorrect answer to the tests required for the scores they want to be calculated.
What is ÖABT?
It is an abbreviation consisting of the initials of the Teaching Content Knowledge Test. Candidates applying to KPSS for teacher positions must attend the Teaching Field Knowledge Test (ÖABT), which depends on the General Ability-General Culture and Educational Sciences sessions and fields of the exam.
What is DHBT?
It is the abbreviation of Religious Services Field Knowledge Test. The results of the general ability and general culture tests will be used in calculating the points to be used in the appointment of the personnel who will take part in the religious services within the Presidency of Religious Affairs (DIB). For this reason, those who want to take part in religious services in the Presidency of Religious Affairs, who will participate in DHBT, must attend the relevant level of general skills and general culture session and Religious Services Field Knowledge Test (DHBT).
How many years are the results valid?
It is valid for two years from the announcement of the results. However, if a new exam cannot be held, it will continue to be valid until the next exam results are announced.
What types of KPSS scores can I calculate with the calculator?
All Score Types Included in KPSS License Can Be Calculated. P1 - P48, P120 and P121.
What are the Exam Areas Included in the Application?
General Ability, General Culture, Educational Sciences, Law, Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Labor Economics, Statistics, Public Administration, International Relations, ÖABT (Teaching Field Knowledge Test).
We wish you luck!
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