Neophytes are plant species that intended by global trade and tourism or were introduced unintentionally and have established themselves in domestic areas. We conservationists call these neophytes as invasive if they have adverse effects on native plants and animals. Invasive Neophytes cause in addition to these environmental problems quite well as economic and even health damage in humans. Therefore: Help us find invasive neophytes and report.
By Korina App
- Find out the images and text on invasive neophytes - the individual species and their effects,
- Find invasive neophytes in forests, meadows, along rivers or in settlements,
- Inform us your GPS supported findings that we map in a database. The more players participate in the Find and Sign the neophyte, the more we know about this new plant communication and the better we are planning control measures.
The new Korina app - a great way nature of his-in to connect with the nature! More info at: www.korina.info