Kopter-Profi App APP
THE app for all pilots and controller of drones in Germany - copter professional: Whether you use your Multikopter privately model aircraft or commercially as a UAV.
In our copter cockpit you can see at a glance all the relevant external flight parameters, for example, to
- Weather
- solar activity
- airspace restrictions
- ...
An intuitive traffic light system warns you as soon as one or more parameters are in critical areas. About checklist for specific information and explanations of the flight recommendations.
In addition to the cockpit and checklist app offers useful tools for copter pilots:
1) airspace Card: The relevant drone controller structures and restrictions on airspace are presented site-specific and clearly explained.
2) solar activity: A graph showing the critical solar radiation for navigation techniques and gives a prediction for the next 72 hours.
3) proof of insurance: All contract data required by law to be presented in an electronic insurance card. Police and original confirmation can be accessed by pressing a button (premium contract provided for the copter professional GmbH).
4) Manila Envelope: Leave all relevant documents (drone driver's license, the landowner's permission, other approvals, manuals, ...) in one central location.
5) Important Information: Contact the national aviation authorities, extensions to the towers German airports and airfields, phone numbers of the nearest police stations
6) Flight log: About the app can be guided and exported an electronic flight log that meets the regulatory requirements of ascent permits. and pilot all, date- and location-relevant data is already filled.
A link to the current NOTAMs and an overview of the most important legal and regulatory requirements in your pocket and the latest news round out the app - a must for all Kopter users in Germany.
** Note: After installing the app is running in a demo mode: The instructions do not apply to your current location and may differ from the actual circumstances. A release of the app is possible through an in-app purchase. All insurance customers the copter-Profi GmbH with an active, non-terminated contract we give the activation of the app. **
Despite all the useful tools in the app, it remains the duty of the pilot in command, in front of a each flight with, inter alia, to make legal, regulatory and meteorological fundamentals familiar. Against this backdrop, generated by the app notes and recommendations in no way absolve the legal obligation to obtain official and other points, as representations may not be exact enough date or incomplete under certain circumstances. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the data. Use of the app at your own risk.