KOMMU Sprechen-App APP
With KOMMU®-speaking videos, the KOMMU®-Logovids®, you can quickly and easily learn sentences in GERMAN SPEAK, UNDERSTAND GERMAN and READ GERMAN!
Try 5 KOMMU®-Logovids® from the KOMMU®-APP for free!
Learn GERMAN in a “natural” way, just like you learned your mother tongue as a child: Get to know sentences in GERMAN LANGUAGE about film actions, hear and read each sentence very often - the more often the better - and shape yourself Language sound of the sentence and learn the sentence by heart. You can then speak it correctly, conforming to the sound of the language.
We call this type of learning "polimodal-multisensory", in which we can perceive and process multimodal language with the medium Logovid®: first the German language sound, then the German word and sentence meaning and finally the writing. Then, after countless repetitions, you will feel that you are beginning to speak the sentences true to the sound of the language and with almost no mistakes.
In KOMMU®-APP, learners of GERMAN learn the conversion (conversion) of phoneme systems (sound images of words and sentences) into grapheme systems (typefaces of words and sentences). Often repeated and concentrated practice increases the grapheme-phoneme conversion ability, which proves in an increasingly confident READING LOUD.
TIP: READ OUT LOUD practice with the sentences / texts that you hear in the Logovid® and read in the manual (click on the top right): a) Learn each sentence by heart (through frequent listening and saving the sound of the language) b) Then add the sentences Learn to speak scenes by heart without mistakes.
KOMMU®-App offers a large selection of Logovids®, with colorful, lively and interesting video scenes and texts of varying complexity, each with one, two or three sentences and also with up to a hundred sentences on larger picture stories.
Intensive listening to the slowly spoken sentences enables the GERMAN LEARNERS to simultaneously multi-sensory (auditory, readable) perception of the sentence (GERMAN SATZKLANG, WRITTEN PICTURES). This helps you to neural anchor the connection between word / sentence meaning, SPEECH SOUND and WRITING faster.
Spoken is subtitled in writing so that the German learners can associate the written images of what is spoken with the respective language sound.
Systematic use of the KOMMU®-Logovids® has been proven to encourage LEARNING to language (see therapy studies in the LogoZentrum Lindlar with aphasic people in the years 2012 to 2019).
12 to 20 times concentrated perception, cognitive processing and storage of a polimodally offered sentence for its video scene enables the Logovid® users to speak it almost flawlessly. The more often and more specifically synchronous speech-sound and typeface presentations take place, the more intensely phonematic-graphematic neuro-connections, also called associations, arise.
Logovid® exercises strengthen these associations and generate the ability to convert.
From a neuropedagogical point of view, this is the competence to trigger grapheme-phoneme associations and to remember the "sound image of writing" and, conversely, the "writing image of what is spoken".
The cognitive transformation of writing into speaking is what we call reading aloud. Conversely, the change from spoken to written takes place when writing after dictation.
A lot of repetitions of exercises are necessary to learn GERMAN in more depth. The GERMAN LEARNERS determine the repetition / exercise rhythm themselves.
KOMMU® recommends: at least one 15 minute exercise a day, maximum 30 minutes; only three sentences from a Logovids®. Repeat as long and as often as necessary until you can pronounce these three sentences by heart and without errors. Only then should you work out the next three sentences.
Systematically learn how to speak GERMAN SENTENCE without errors with Logovids®!