타 이젠 앱과 공유 타 이젠 애플리케이션을 보내기위한 빠르고 사용하기 쉬운 도구입니다.

최신 버전

2017. 8. 1.
설치 수

App APKs

Tizen App Share APP

Tizen App Share is a fast and easy-to-use tool for sending Tizen apps from your device to any Tizen device. 99% of Tizen app file can be easily and quickly delivered to Tizen phone without using mobile data via Wi-Fi direct. Search and download a variety of Tizen apps through Tizen App Share and easily share apps to the Tizen phone!

■ No network restriction
99% size of app file is transferred through Wi-Fi direct without data spending

■ Fastest app share tool between Android and Tizen phones
Transfer Tizen Apps to Tizen phone in seconds!

■ No need for USB connection and PC software installation
Share apps from device to device without any limit
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