Tempro 전자 메일 알림 및 통계 고정밀 스마트 온도계입니다

최신 버전

2018. 5. 4.
Google Play ID
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App APKs

Tempro APP

Tempro is a smart thermometer gadget that senses and record temperature on a mobile device. It provides wide-range high accuracy temperature readings of various objects or mediums along with ability to check predefined temperature limits and store statistics and graphs.

What does differentiate Tempro from the competing non-smart or smart temperature sensor technologies?

There is not a single answer to this question!

Tempro is a precise sensor technology for a wide temperature range
Tempro is smart and universal
Tempro is small and water resistant
Tempro does not require a battery
Tempro is versatile

See "http://www.tempro.io/" for more details
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