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최신 버전

2017. 3. 2.
Google Play ID
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App APKs

SatSleeve+ / Hotspot APP

Please download the SATSLEEVE+ / HOTSPOT App only if you have a SatSleeve+ or a SatSleeve Hotspot model, for all older SatSleeve models please download the SATSLEEVE App instead.

Transform your phone into a satellite smartphone!

Download the SatSleeve Hotspot App for free and get seamless connectivity via satellite when outside of terrestrial networks. Enjoy calls, SMSs, emails, instant messaging, social media and smartphone information apps in satellite mode across Thuraya’s satellite network covering Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The SatSleeve App supports 14 languages:
Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese (Simplified), English, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Urdu.

Note: Thuraya SatSleeve+ or SatSleeve Hotspot is required to use this App. Visit www.thuraya.com for a list of authorized Thuraya Service Partners and outlets where you can buy the product and check which of the latest iOS and Android smartphones are compatible.
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