Samanyan Gyan Darpan is one of the largest selling General Knowledge Magazine.

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2024. 2. 8.
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App APKs

Samanyan Gyan Darpan APP

Experience Samanyan Gyan Darpan India’s most selling General Knowledge magazine, in digital format. This free Android App gives you the flexibility and ease of reading the magazine on your phone & tablet.

Samanyan Gyan Darpan is the second most read Hindi Magazine (as per Indian Readership Survey, IRS). It is very useful for the aspirants of various 2nd Grade Competitive Examinations like Railways, Bank Clerks, SSC, Police and many other national/state level examinations. The magazine completely fully comprises of latest national & international affairs with latest burning issues like features, lots from science & technology, sports, economy & socio-political field’s. It consists of several exam papers with their answers in explanatory forms. It is also equipped with various other features like employment news, motivational & personality traits features & articles. It is a highly innovative, reliable, authentic & up-to date product for young aspirants.

This app is supported by minimal advertisements, we need this to make and keep this app FREE forever. Permissions required are only to display Ads and we assure you Privacy and Security.

Download the app today and enjoy these features:
- Read the magazine anytime and anywhere.
- Have all the issues in one convenient place, for free.
- Single page view magazine reader, with better zoom and scrolling.
- Filter issues year wise on Homepage.
- Delete issues from Setting.
- Readers can select which magazine issue they wish to read, download it to read at a later time.
- App is optimized for the Android platform 3 and above.
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