Saiyan Maze is maze game to find the ball is now a available for android devices

최신 버전

2024. 8. 31.
Google Play ID
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Saiyan Maze GAME

Saiyan Maze is a 3D maze game is now a available for FREE for android devices and is suitable for everyone.

Enjoy unlimited fun with a self generated 3D maze. You will enjoy a new challenge every time you play.

3D Maze features beautiful graphics and a lot of challenge.

How to play:
* Control goku to find the ball in maze
* Easy controls: you will control super goku character walk, right, and left buttons
* If you get stuck, use the hint button (left top corner of the screen). The jump function also helps (tap in the middle of the screen to jump)
* Can change camera angle to help find ball easy

- Dragon Team -
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