Android용 Point To Point APK을 다운로드합니다 - 무료를 - 최신 버전

최신 버전

2016. 9. 12.
설치 수

App APKs

Point To Point GAME

I am so excited and glad to introduce an unexplored puzzle game 'Point to Point'. This game is based on planar connected graph under Mathematics.

Simply there are points which have the connection counts around them. You are supposed to connect points without intersection.

On some levels you will face with movable point(s); in this case it may be hard to find the correct position. 'Point to Point' may have multiple solutions.

You can gain more stars after each level, if you find the solution in less number of tries. There are 7 packs in this version, and being able to pass to the next pack, you have to collect at least 30 stars.
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