사 카리 키산 요 즈나 키산 삼만 요 즈나

최신 버전

2021. 4. 28.
Google Play ID
설치 수

App APKs

PM Kisan Samman NIDHI Yojana Full Information APP

This application helps you to see your name in the list of your Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and check the payment and see the name in the list of ration card. Thank you..

If you like this, then we will definitely give you five star rating. Thank you.

Disclaimer :
-> We only provide information to readers and visitors that are available in following government public domains.

ग्रामीण आवास लाभार्थी सुची - https://rhreporting.nic.in
आवास योजना लिस्ट-शहरी, आधार कार्ड से देखे-शहरी - https://pmaymis.gov.in
किसान सम्मान निधि योजना -

-> We are not any official partner of the Government or a linked with any way with government. We just show their website in our application as webview format.
-> We do not own any website available in app.
-> This application is very usefull for indian people to find the best digital servie in their state or city.
-> We do not affiliated with any government entity, services or person.
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