금요일 밤입니다. 모든 컷신이 포함된 NEO 모드에서 Funkin Music Battle을 시작하겠습니다.

최신 버전

2022. 5. 22.
설치 수

App APKs

Music Battle Funkin: NEO FNF GAME

It is Friday Night, let's have a Funkin' Music Battle in this Awesome FNF NEO mod with all cutscenes, new appearances and new songs.
You can choose the difficult level: Easy, Normal, Hard.
In this game, you will have music battles with many characters such as Daddy Dearest, Mommy Mearest, Skid & Pump, Monster, Pico in Story Mode, with all cutscenes dialogue. And you can choose to play any song in Free Mode.
This game UI is designed for mobile touch screen. There are options that let you choose the arrow scroll direction and the control area.
Have fun! And enjoy the songs!
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