제휴 마케팅 기본 사항 및 알아야 할 사항

최신 버전

2019. 12. 30.
설치 수

App APKs

Marketing Man GAME

Hello and thank you for getting my new report.
In this report I am going to outline a few techniques that I use to really amp up
my affiliate promotions.

This isn’t exactly a “how to make money with affiliate programs” report. It is more
a “how to make MORE money with affiliate programs”.
So I assume you know what an affiliate program is and that you have been
involved in promoting affiliate products before.
As for where to find good affiliate products to promote? I usually go with
Clickbank.com for a few reasons.

1) There are tons of different affiliate products to choose from.
2) Clickbank.com is a third party service, so you know you will be getting paid
unlike a company who runs their own affiliate program.
3) Many merchants at Clickbank.com are paying 60-75% commissions PER
SALE which is fantastic to us affiliates.
You can of course use these ideas in this report to promote anything, and maybe
you already have a program/opportunity in mind that you want to promote and
that’s fine.

But if you are looking for new markets/products to promote, Clickbank is a good
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