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최신 버전

2019. 10. 9.
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Local weather Forecast APP

A simple and easy-to-use weather app for you! With it, you can get weather.

A simple and easy-to-use weather widget for you! With it, you can get weather information Conveniently. Provide accurate local meteorological information tomorrow as the highest / lowest temperature and current climatic conditions, definitely your best choice in daily life.
Real-time temperature, feels like temperature, current clock / time, tomorrow time,The time in 6 days is all in this weather widget based on time server. It is very practical.

Highlights of Local weather Forecast

► Status notification: instantaneously displays current temperature and conditions

► Home screen: Changes based on your current location, weather, and the time of day, so you get your current conditions plus the weather information you need most.

► 7-day forecast for the future

► Easy to set up and slide between different locations

► Easy to use widget - Multiple weather locations - Celsius & Fahrenheit

► Accuracy of sunrise and sunset

► Display of humidity and wind speed, give you better travel tips

► Display the visibility

► Display yesterday's temperature, can be used as a reference for today's temperature
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