안드로이드 장치에 대한 gDOSbox => 도스, 도스 박스 - 0.74. 이제 안드로이드 5 태블릿에서 실행됩니다.

최신 버전

2025. 3. 10.
설치 수

App APKs

gDosBox - DOSbox for Android APP

gDOSBox is an Android version of the well known DOSbox 0.74 implementation, with the key difference being it resolves some of the issues with the mathematical routines that can cause problems in high-precision calculations.

gDOSBox is experimental. But it provides a straightforward way to run DOS programs on an Android device. Many original DOS-based programs evolved from still earlier systems and facilities that had undergone significant development, and address a wide range of requirements. It is interesting and educational to be able to operate these older programs on a small tablet device.

Examples available from GEMESYS include: GNUplot37, Sharp APL P/C, IBM's TryAPL2, Watcom APL and STSC's APLse. These are available at no charge, for education use, and do not contain any in-app advertising, or tracking content.

GEMESYS Ltd. is please to make gDOSbox and related scientific graphics package GNUplot37, and the APL utilities available to the Android marketplace.

*** gDOSBox now runs on Android-5 ! The change involved re-coding jobject pointers that were local static to use the NewGlobalRef feature, first documented in Android ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich), and now part of the new ART (Android Run Time engine) in Android 5 (Lollipop) devices. DOSbox users are encourged to forward operation reports to our email address. Current testing has been limited to Android 5.0.2 tablets, including Samsung Galaxy Tab-A, Tab-3 and Tab-4.
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