프랜 활, 인간의 마음의 가장 깊은 측면에 여행.

최신 버전

2015. 8. 28.
설치 수

App APKs

Fran Bow Alpha Demo GAME

FULL GAME OUT NOW! For Windows, Mac and Linux! http://www.franbow.com/buy.php
Android version is on the way, wohoo!

Fran Bow is a horror point and click game that tells the story of Fran, a young girl struggling with a mental disorder and an unfair destiny. It is a trip to the deepest and darkest side of human psychology, delivered through blood and tears.

"...Fran Bow is one of the best looking games that I have come across on a crowd funding..." - Super Game Droid
"...While playing the demo, I instantly felt empathetic to Fran..." - Press2Reset
"...The dialogues are topped by a brilliant black humor..." - Indie Means Love

This is a promotional alpha demo for when we had the crowdfunding! The full game is now done!

Thank you for playing!

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