Customizable and useful web browser for Android

최신 버전

2024. 2. 4.
Google Play ID
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Fast Browser APP

Explore the [i]World Wide Web[/I] anytime and anywhere with the Android app Fast Browser. Looking for an alternative to your old browser? You're in luck, Fast Browser is a great option.

Fast Browser stands out for being highly customizable, with a wide variety of settings to play with. Personalize everything from the browser theme to accessibility and security features, as well as advertising, browsing speed, etc.

While Fast browser might not be the most visually appealing browser, it is functional. On top of highly customizable features, this app also has many tools that make surfing the web quick and easy, such as a comprehensive and convenient home page. Which, of course, is also customizable.

In short, Fast Browser is a good choice of Android web browser that allows you to personalize virtually all the features to your own tastes or needs.
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