당신의 텍스트를 노래 앱! 올해 수상작의 ** 음악 앱 ** 비어 있는!

최신 버전

2019. 10. 9.
Google Play ID
설치 수

App APKs

Ditty APP

**Music App of the Year Winner**
Ditty sings anything you text
Make stupidly awesome songs and music videos!
As seen on TMZ

FREE to download!

- Add hilarious GIFs, select from your camera roll, or snap a video
- Tons of famous songs. New songs added weekly!
- Post your dittys for a chance to be featured
- Add friends and follow their feed

#1 Music App in 25 countries
Top 10 Music App in 124 countries
Top 10 “Apps of the Year”- Apple 'n' Apps

Get the app WIRED calls "Dope"!

Please note: This app requires a persistent Internet connection.

*You privacy and data are important to us. We’ve updated our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and EULA to better explain what data we collect, how it is used, and your rights.*

Terms of Service, Privacy and Cookie Policy and EULA:
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