100가지 죽음 방식 GAME
지금 빨리 이 게임을 무료로 받으시고 그 재미를 체험해 보십시오. 또한 생활속의 이와 같은 사소한 일들을 기억해 스스로의 안전을 확보하십시오!
- 24종류의 다양한 죽음 방식
- 죽음 직전에 처한 가족들
- 간단하지만 고도의 조작성 요구
- 자신의 생활에 유익함
Die in 100 Ways is the #1 funny game that combines thrilling and horror! You need to work out Death's plan or you will have 100 ways to die!
The lives of the adorable characters are in your hands now! The villain of this game is not the stereotypical killers, monsters or demons, but Death itself. You need to prevent the worst from happening in all kinds of fatal accidents manipulated by Death. His intent is to reclaiming the lives of all these charming characters! And it is your job to guide these characters through dozens of action packed mini games to stay alive as long as possible.
Game Features:
- 24 challenging mini-games and more to come
- Stunning graphics and animations
- Easy and fun to play, challenging to master