This app shows the weather in cities around the world provided by DMI.

최신 버전

2018. 11. 22.
Google Play ID
설치 수

App APKs

Danish City Weather APP

!!! DMI is working on a new website. !!!
When the new site launches, they will close the old website, and therefore the features that the app uses will also be closed.
This is an warning that the app will stop working and therefore I will remove it from Google Play by that time.
I hope to have time to make a small update of the app so it can also provide the above message.


This app shows the weather in cities around the world provided by DMI.

The app includes 4 different widgets that can be displayed on your phone's home screen.
You choose whether to use the app, widgets, or both.

The app may at startup be configured to show a specific city or to automatic city selection based on your location.
Then you can add as many widgets you want and configure them individually to specific cities or to automatic city selection. The size of the widget can be changed after it is added by long-pressing the widget, releasing and dragging the border to the desired size.

The city weather in the app and any widgets are updated automatically after a configurable interval.

For a modest price you can buy a functionality that makes it possible to have favorites cities in the app. That makes it possible to quickly switch between weather forecasts for the cities that has been chosen as favorites.

- If you have ideas to improve the app or are experiencing problems please write in the apps facebook-page eller directly to me in an email.
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