Unique widget, unique experience.

최신 버전

2014. 8. 8.
설치 수

App APKs

BlackTransparent system widget APP

BlackTransparent widget 이 4*1, 4*2, 2*1의 사이즈를 지원합니다. 언제 어디서나 제일 정확한 날씨 정보를 전해 드릴게요.

GO Weather EX - To Be Your Best Weather Prophet Forever!

◆How to apply the theme?
1. Make sure you have installed the latest version of GO Weather EX
2. Open the GO Weather EX->Press the themes->Click the "Installed" Tab->Click the "Widget"
3. Find the theme you have installed in "Widget" and click to apply it.
4. GO to the launcher homescreen and add the goweatherex system widget

◆How to add a Systerm Widget?
1. Press “menu”- choose “add”-choose “Widgets”-Find GO Weather EX
2. Make sure you have enough space for placing the widgets
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