Key functions of KMB ‧ LWB Smartphone App:
Estimated Time of Arrival & Journey Time
Passengers can obtain estimated bus arrival information and journey time of bus routes.
Store frequently used bus stops and locations in the app and get estimated arrival times of routes observing these stops.
Instant Traffic News
Receive instant updates on any temporary traffic arrangements affecting bus services.
Route Sharing
Share the desired route information to your friends.
Landmark Route Search
Find your desired route with the help of more landmarks in the °ßpoint-to-point°® route search function.
Bus Stop Navigation
Find your way to the nearest bus stop by using GPS.
Other Functions
- The lowest bus fare and the fewest enroute stop sorting
- Alight reminder
- New intelligent keyboard for route input
Remarks: Using GPS will use extra battery power
KMB ‧ LWB Smartphone App