Complete Translated Book of Yellow (FULL) in the form of a collection of yellow books

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Sep 8, 2022

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The Complete Yellow Book of Translations (FULL) in the form of the most complete collection of yellow books and there are also translations as well as meanings and explanations and presented in Indonesian and Arabic, Indonesian Translations, and Explanations. Contains a collection of yellow books that are commonly studied and studied in various Islamic boarding schools (madrasa). The yellow book, in Islamic religious education, refers to traditional books containing Islamic religious lessons (diraasah al-islamiyyah) taught at Islamic boarding schools, ranging from fiqh, aqidah, akhlaq / tasawuf, arabic grammar (`grammar) nahwu science and `sharf science), hadith, interpretation,` ulumul qur'aan, to social and social sciences (mu`amalah). Also known as the bare book because it does not have harakat (fathah, kasrah, dhammah, breadfruit), unlike the book of the Qur'an. Therefore, to be able to read the following yellow book the literal meaning of the sentence per sentence in order to be understood as a whole. Collection of dozens of yellow books you can get in just one small and lightweight application. The application is completely offline and does not require an internet connection at all to run it. In it there are several books including:
1. Al-Hikam Ibn Athaillah
2. The Book of Alfiyah Ibn Malik
3. The Book of Fathul Qorib
4. The Book of Qurrotul Uyun
5. Book of Riyadhus Sholihin
6. The Book of Safinatun Najah
7. The Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim
8. Book of Aqidatul Lay
9. The Book of Saheeh Bukhari
10. Muslim Sahih Book
11. The Book of Hadith Arbain Nawawi
12. Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik
13. The Book of Fathul Izar
14. The Book of Nadhom Imriti
15. Book of Bidayatul Hidayah
16. The Book of Nashoihul Ibad
17. The Book of Interpretation of Jalalain
18. The Book of Futuhul Ghaib
19. The Book of Uqudulujain
20. Kitab Al-Jurumiyah (Nahwu & Shorof)
21. The Book of Bulughul Maram
22. And Lainya ...
The table of contents for the application of the yellow book or the bare Arabic book is:
- Fathulqorib, Ta'lim Muta'allim, Safinatun Najah, Al Hikam, Riyadhus Sholihin, Qurrotul Uyun
- Alfiyah Ibn Malik
- Al Qawaidul Fiqhiyyah AsSadiy's translation
- Jawahirul Kalamiyyah's translation
- Jurumiyah translation
- Translation of the Book of TIJAN AD-DARORI
- Matan Abu Syuja's translation
- Translation of Matan Aqidatul Lay ...
- Nadom Imrity translation
- Qaqhidah Burdah translation ..
- Qothrul Ghoits translation
- Tuhfathul Athfal WalGhilman's translation ...
- Wahiyyatul mustofa's translation
yellow book of jurisprudence
yellow book of pesantren
yellow book translation
yellow book fathul qorib
aswaja yellow book
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