Kisaan Suvidha - किसान सुविधा APP
Good news for Farmers, APMC Brokers and staff as we are making Marketing Yard online!
*Suvidha for Kisaan(Farmers):
-Live auction of any commodity of any Marketing Yard(APMC)
-Average, Minimum and Maximum Price of any commodity at any yard for Selected Date and Month
*Suvidha for Brokers:
-Day wise bought commodity details
-Day wise sold commodity details
-Auto calculation of Bought and Sold Commodities
*Suvidha for APMC(Marketing Yard):
-Auto send Email of daily Average, Minimum and Maximum grade wise price to Media.
-Easy Management of SES records
-Auto calculation for all kind of SES(from the yard and outside the yard as well)
-Village wise annual production details