Kirim Pesan APP
Kirim Pesan is a app for enables you to chat with all of your friends and anonims on this messaging service.
• NO FEES: KIRIM PESAN using your phone's Internet connection (4G / 3G / 2G / EDGE or Wi-Fi, if available) which allows you to send messages to admin to send messages to publish.
• EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES: Impress friends, family & others with your messages.
• ANONYMED COMMENTS: Enjoy anonymous comments when you take the action of replying to comments.
• NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: There are no additional fees for sending KIRIM PESAN messages internationally. Chat with your friends all over the world and avoid international SMS charges.
• SAY NO TO USER NAMES: Why bother remembering usernames? KIRIM PESAN works in an unusual and exclusive way.
• AND MUCH MORE: Share your location, exchange contacts publicly, and much more.
We're always excited to hear from you. If you have any feedback, questions or complaints, please email us at:
or follow us on instagram: