Kindernotfall-App APP
The greater the radius that children develop, the greater the danger zone. Part of the concern is now the child emergency app. It gives checklists and tips for more safety and offers help in an emergency. Who reacts appropriately in the event of minor injuries, sudden illness or a life-threatening situation. It also has a search for pediatric and adolescent practices, emergency clinics and pharmacies in Germany. In the event of an emergency, there is a direct and quickly dialable emergency call function.
The child emergency app offers the following content and functions:
- Information and measures for first aid
Various symptoms and first aid measures are explained and conveyed using easy-to-understand and sketched instructions. In this way, in the event of an emergency, previously learned first aid knowledge can be applied as correctly and purposefully as possible. An optical and acoustic clock helps with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A subject area also provides information on teething problems.
- Doctor and pharmacy search
The app enables a quick and precise search for paediatricians, as well as emergency clinics and pharmacies.
- Emergency call function
An emergency call can be made quickly using the child emergency app. In addition, the "5 W questions" provided help to provide precisely the information that is important in the event of an emergency call.
- Avoid dangers and act preventively
The children's emergency app helps with intuitive checklists and extensive information to prevent accidents and emergency situations as best as possible so that they cannot arise in the first place.
The app is based on national and international guidelines of the European and German Resuscitation Councils as well as the information and experiences of the nationwide "First Aid for Children" courses of the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe. The University Hospital Münster is the scientific partner for the development of the app. The children's emergency app is a guide for young parents and everyone who deals with children, and is intended to help safely apply skills previously learned in a first aid course.
You can find more information about the app at:
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