Kick Avenue APP
With tens of thousands of users, we have been a trusted source for Jordans, Yeezys, OFF-WHITEs, Nikes, and many other trending brands. We take great pride in our reputation and have partnered with hundreds of influencers, just send your favourite a DM and ask about us :D Get registered now and start exploring!
- Buy your favorite sneakers, apparels, and handbags easily by searching seamlessly through our database.
- Find competitive and transparent pricing, no matter what your size may be.
- Need a better price? MAKE an OFFER! Offers will be broadcasted to all sellers listing your target size and you will be notified if your offer is accepted
- Have your sneakers, apparels, and handbags on sale to public within minutes, it only takes a few pictures and you set your own price.
- As sellers, you can see how much a buyer is willing to pay for a goods too from the highest offer they make.
What are you waiting for? Immerse yourself in the latest trend in fashion.