Khabarwaale News APP
We help you keep up with the current affairs of both National and International level.
You can stay updated quickly on breaking news and headlines on all latest topics and trending topics by just swiping left or right to read the next news article.
The Khabarwaale News app delivers live updates, breaking news updates, latest news, current news and analysis, trending stories, events, live scores and more on an interface that is easy to use and navigate.
The Khabarwaale News app makes your phone act as a live newspaper which always remains updated. We have specially designed the app to cater to English and Punjabi speaking population. Our main interest was to make it user friendly and approachable for the Punjabi speaking community of the world and make them feel related to the latest happenings around the world.
Some of the main features of the app are:
• Mark Articles as "Read Later"
• Read aloud - App reads the news to you
• Magnifying mode - The app helps you to increase the font size according to your necessity.
• You can copy and paste the news for future reference
• Share - The app helps you to share the news with your near and dear ones.
Khabarwaale News- the app that brings the latest news to your handheld devices is the best way to get abreast with the news update across different genre.