KFDM WeatherNET stations measure temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and direction, wind chill, heat index, rainfall, rainfall rate, barometric pressure and much more! You can follow along as the LIVE weather data flows from the KFDM WeatherNET network into your phone!
Included in this app are weather stations located throughout Southeast Texas, as well as in the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Sam Rayburn.
To access “WIND CHILL” and “HEAT INDEX” values, simply touch the word, “TEMPERATURE”. To access dew point values, simply touch “HUMIDITY”. To see the one minute average wind gust and the highest wind gust since midnight, touch once, then twice on the word, “WIND”. To see the rainfall rate, touch once on the word, “RAIN”. To see the barometric pressure change since midnight, touch the word, “PRESSURE”.
NEW: To view an interactive MAP of all WeatherNET sites, long touch the KFDM WeatherNET caption on the top.
Contact Information – E-Mail – gbostwick@sbgtv.com
Phone Number – 1-409-895-4683
Website – www.kfdm.com